
【人民報消息】前幾日,中共指定的地下黨員、港首林鄭月娥說,由於美國的制裁,現在沒有銀行敢繼續給她開戶,連中共的那些官辦銀行也不敢爲她而招來鉅額罰款,所以發的鉅額工資都是現金。林鄭說,她家裏堆着大量現金,上街買任何東西都得攜帶大量現金。有報道說,受到這種待遇她感到很光榮。 「光榮了」是啥意思?中共大陸的網友都知道,就是死個逑。 今天,還有比林鄭月娥官職更高的中共副國級高官被制裁,而且更慘,人數還不少,一共14名(還有N個直系親屬)。 美國國務院12月7日(週一)宣佈,追究中共人大全部14名副委員長在破壞香港自治上的責任。這14名高官及其直系親屬被禁止入境美國,同時他們的資產將被美國凍結和禁止交易。 好消息!順民心!帶勁兒! 中共第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會的14名副委員長,呵,一個沒少,被全部納入追責,分別是:王晨、曹建明、張春賢、沈躍躍、吉炳軒、艾力更·依明巴海、萬鄂湘、陳竺、王東明、白瑪赤林、丁仲禮、郝明金、蔡達峯和武維華。 美國國務院週一刊發的公告全文中文翻譯如下: 北京對香港民主進程的不斷攻擊,已經摧毀了香港的立法會,使其成爲一個橡皮圖章——不再有實質性的反對派。造成這些攻擊的其中一個層面是(中共)全國人民代表大會常務委員會(人大常委會)的行動,它實際上閹割了香港人按照《(中英)聯合聲明》和《基本法》選出代表的能力。這些行動再次表明,北京完全無視其在聯合國註冊的《中英聯合聲明》下的國際承諾。 今天,國務院將追究這些肆無忌憚行爲的責任人。我們認定,14名中共人大常委會副委員長負責制定、通過或實施《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》(港版國安法)。人大常委會無異議通過國安法,讓北京據此多次壓制異議、逮捕抗議北京高壓政策的人士。 這14人包括:王晨、曹建明、張春賢、沈躍躍、吉炳軒、艾力更·依明巴海、萬鄂湘、陳竺、王東明、白瑪赤林、丁仲禮、郝明金、蔡達峯和武維華。上述認定是根據總統行政令13936第4(a)(iii)(A)條作出。此外,根據第13936號行政令第7條,上述人士還將受到簽證限制。 這些人及其直系親屬將被禁止前往美國。他們在美國管轄範圍內或由美國人擁有或控制的資產將被凍結,美國人將不得與他們有交易。 我們今天的行動強調,美國將繼續與我們的盟友和夥伴合作,追究北京破壞其承諾的香港自治的責任。美國再次敦促北京遵守其國際承諾,並聽取許多國家譴責其行動的聲音。(完) 值得關注的是,這個懲罰先從香港的具體作惡頭頭們開始,繼續作惡,就再製裁到港首等,還在繼續作惡,現在就輪到中共全國人大常委會副委員長們,一個沒落都網進去了。如果,繼續作惡,接下去是誰呢?人大委員長慄戰書。爲什麼從小到大的修理?因爲共產中國是獨裁體制,一言堂。修理了小個兒的,是爲了給級別更高的黨官一個悔改的機會,也就是震懾他們一下。 如果,還不停止作惡,那麼就輪到國家主席習近平了?不,到了那個份兒上,能享受這種待遇對習近平來說將是最大的奢望。 「奢望」,你懂的。(文/黎梓)△ 美國國務院週一刊發的公告英文全文如下: Designations of National People』s Congress Officials Undermining the Autonomy of Hong Kong Press Statement Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State December 7, 2020 Beijing』s unrelenting assault against Hong Kong』s democratic processes has gutted its Legislative Council, rendering the body a rubber stamp devoid of meaningful opposition. One aspect of that assault has been the actions of the National People』s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), which have effectively neutered the ability of the people of Hong Kong to choose their elected representatives in keeping with the Joint Declaration and Basic Law. These actions demonstrate once again Beijing』s complete disregard for its international commitments under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a U.N.-registered treaty. Today, the Department of State is holding accountable those responsible for these brazen acts. We are designating 14 Vice-Chairpersons of the NPCSC in connection with developing, adopting, or implementing the Law of the People』s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The NPCSC voted unanimously to adopt the National Security Law that Beijing has used repeatedly to stifle dissent and arrest those who protest Beijing』s oppressive policies. These 14 individuals are Wang Chen, Cao Jianming, Zhang Chunxian, Shen Yueyue, Ji Bingxuan, Arken Imirbaki, Wan Exiang, Chen Du, Wang Dongming, Padma Choling, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, and Wu Weihua. These designations are pursuant to section 4 (a)(iii)(A) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13936. Additionally, these individuals will also be subject to visa restrictions, pursuant to Section 7 of E.O. 13936. These individuals and their immediate family members will be barred from travelling to the United States. Their assets within the jurisdiction of the United States or in the possession or control of U.S. persons will be blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them. Our actions today underscore that the United States will continue to work with our allies and partners to hold Beijing accountable for undermining Hong Kong』s promised autonomy. The United States again urges Beijing to abide by its international commitments and to heed the voices of many countries, which have condemned its actions. (人民報首發)




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