據報導,在8月8日中國官方的英文新聞網站chinadaily.com.cn上內赫然寫着如下文字:「當本週以來陽光頭一次刺破迷霧時,一百萬北京市民紛紛走向公園。而正當慶祝活動進行的時候,天安門廣場周圍守備森嚴,在這裏,1989年的時候,軍隊鎮壓了爭取民主的示威行動,並造成大量傷亡。」 原文爲:More than a million Beijingers made their way to the city's parks as sunshine broke through the smog for the first time this week. Security was tight around Tiananmen Square, where troops crushed pro-democracy demonstrations in 1989 with huge loss of life, as crowds gathered for the celebrations. 據悉首先發現這一破綻的是法國的一位記者,他在按常例瀏覽中國日報網頁時,不禁「驚訝得跳了起來」。 不過,這段話中敏感部分最終被刪除,只留下突兀的前半句「當本週以來陽光頭一次刺破迷霧時,一百萬北京市民紛紛走向公園。」(More than a million Beijingers made their way to the city's parks as sunshine broke through the smog for the first time this week. ) ---------------------------------------