路上的行人啊,莫匆匆 你看到的酷刑啊,正在大洋彼岸的中国发生。 妇女,儿童…… 每一信仰真善忍的人都在被折磨,被虐杀。 911 的悲痛还没有遗忘,这个世界啊,需要和平 这个世界啊,需要真善忍 如果你相信,人不可以因为信仰而被杀戮 请伸出你的援手,请加入我们的行列 不要问,我真的可以帮忙吗? 不要问,我小小的力量真的有用吗? 是的,你可以,你可以 每一颗心都会帮助聚成一片心的长城 每一只手都会帮助撑起一片蓝天。
Manhattan, Please Listen To Me
Ladies and Gentlemen, as you pass by our site, Please slow down you pace and heed our words
The bitter scenes here you witness, The tortures, are indeed taking place On the other side of the ocean, In China, on this very day. Women, Children, young and old, Locked up in prison damp and cold, Have nothing to hold on to in silence But their faith in Truthfulness, Compassion and forbearance. To this day we have not forgotten The painful memories of 9/11. The world prays for peace and harmony, Only to hear the evils laugh with irony. Still we seek Truthfulness, Compassion and forbearance, The principles that can one day make a difference. It is our belief, and we pray it be yours, That no lives be sacrificed for a spiritual cause. Please take your stand against the killings, Give us your help to end the sufferings. However small an individual’s power, The voices of love grow by every hour. From every open heart, a dove takes off to fly, From every extended hand, an olive rises to the sky.