电子报 正體版

【人民报消息】当地时间12月24日,美国总统川普(特朗普)在推特上发布了一段长达2分40秒的视频,与第一夫人梅拉尼娅发表圣诞致辞。他说:我代表梅拉尼娅和全体川普家族,祝你们圣诞快乐、新年快乐。 白宫也发表了一份圣诞节总统致辞,如下: 2020年白宫发表的圣诞节总统致辞 在我们庆祝圣诞节之际,第一夫人和我向所有美国人致以最热烈的祝愿。 虽然我们的聚会看起来可能与往年不同,但今年的圣诞节和每年的圣诞节一样,是我们庆祝救主耶稣基督诞生的机会,并对上帝赐予我们生活和国家的丰富祝福表示衷心的感谢。 在这个和平的季节里,我们珍惜为我们的节日聚会注入活力的温暖、慷慨和信仰。 我们与家人和朋友分享的爱让我们心中充满了喜悦,正如基督诞生的故事激励着全世界的人们一样。 今年,我们作为自豪的美国人聚集在一起,为我们能够自由敬拜的神圣权利而感恩,为我们能够公开对上帝降临的永恒之光和应许的信任表示感恩。 对于今年不能一起庆祝圣诞节的军人家庭,我们的国家谦卑的感谢你们的服务和牺牲。 我们永远感谢那些勇敢地穿着军装为国家服务的人以及那些与他们并肩作战的人。 我们也感谢我们国家的第一响应者、执法人员和一线医疗专业人员,他们不知疲倦地服务和保护我们的社区。 你们每天的贡献是上帝无私之爱的典范,提醒我们努力生活的崇高原则,特别是在一年中的这个特殊时期。 对所有美国人,以及今天庆祝的全球朋友,我们祝你们圣诞快乐,新年祥和、繁荣。(人民报编译)△ Presidential Message on Christmas, 2020 Issued on: December 25, 2020 The First Lady and I send our warmest wishes to all Americans as we celebrate Christmas. While our gatherings might look different than in years past, this Christmas, like every Christmas, is an opportunity for us to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and show our heartfelt gratitude for the abundant blessings God has bestowed upon our lives and country. In this season of peace, we cherish the warmth, generosity, and faith that breathe life into our holiday gatherings. The love we share with our family and friends fills our hearts with joy, just as the story of Christ’s birth inspires people all over the world. This year, we come together as proud Americans—grateful for our sacred right to worship freely and to openly profess our trust in the enduring light and promise of the coming of God. To military families who are unable to celebrate Christmas together this year, our Nation humbly thanks you for your service and sacrifice. We are forever indebted to those who courageously serve our country in uniform—and those who walk alongside them. We also thank our Nation’s first responders, law enforcement officers, and frontline medical professionals who work tirelessly to serve and protect our communities. Your daily contributions are an example of the selfless love of God and remind us of the noble principles we strive to live by, especially during this special time of year. To all Americans, and to all our friends around the globe celebrating today, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. 以下是川普与夫人在推特中的视频讲话:




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