电子报 正體版
川普三发总统声明 纪念共产主义受害者(图/中英文)

【人民报消息】人民报编者按:2017年1月20日川普宣誓就职。11月7号,他宣布这天定为美国的「共产主义受害者全国纪念日」。 历史走到今天,共产邪魔在统治我们世界的时候,这个纪念日更具有非凡的历史意义。 2019年11月7号,是白宫第三年在「共产主义受害者全国纪念日」发表总统声明。声明中,川普提出要建立一个没有共产主义邪恶的未来。 总统川普在2019年共产主义受害者全国纪念日的声明如下: 发布日期::2019年11月7日 在这个「共产主义受害者全国纪念日」,我们悼念一亿多被共产主义压迫致死的人们。今天,我们重申我们的承诺:基于民主的核心原则 - 即自由,正义和对每个生命价值的深切尊重,帮助所有人确保和平与繁荣的未来。 今年的「共产主义受害者全国纪念日」恰逢柏林墙倒塌30周年。1989年11月9日,坚定无畏的男男女女将罗纳德·里根总统的有力话语付诸行动,推倒了极权主义的象征,并向全世界传达了民主和法治将总会战胜压迫和暴政的信息。在我们纪念这个人权的里程碑时,我们决心继续与盟国和伙伴合作,以确保自由之火继续燃烧,成为全球希望和机遇的灯塔。 当我们在这个纪念日驻足向世界各地的共产主义受害者致敬时,我们必须下定决心,始终捍卫所珍视的自由,以促进和平并释放无与伦比的繁荣。肩并肩,我们可以建立一个没有共产主义邪恶的未来。△ Presidential Message on the National Day for the Victims of Communism, 2019 LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: November 7, 2019 On this National Day for the Victims of Communism, we remember the more than 100 million people who have died as a result of communist oppression. Today, we renew our commitment to helping secure for all people a future of peace and prosperity founded on the core tenets of democracy—liberty, justice, and a deep respect for the value of every human life. This year’s National Day for the Victims of Communism coincides with the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. On November 9, 1989, determined men and women put President Ronald Reagan’s powerful words into momentous action, tearing down that symbol of totalitarianism and sending a message to the entire world that democracy and the rule of law will always triumph over oppression and tyranny. As we commemorate this milestone for human rights, we resolve to continue working with our allies and partners to ensure that the flames of freedom keep burning as a beacon of hope and opportunity around the globe. As we pause on this day of remembrance to honor victims of communism everywhere, we must resolve always to safeguard the cherished liberties that foster peace and unleash unparalleled prosperity. Together, we can build a future free from the evils of communism. △




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