电子报 正體版
国务卿?哇!江媒彻底屏蔽罗拉巴克 死命推举洪博培(多图/English)
——Secretary of the State? Wow! Jiang’s media totally blocks Rohrabacher and promotes Huntsman

【人民报消息】谁来当川普政府的国务卿,这是一场没有硝烟的战斗,决定着美国与中国(中华民族)未来的大事。 我们发现,中共最害怕罗拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)当国务卿,最希望洪博培(Jon Huntsman,乔恩·亨茨曼)当国务卿。中共用贬低川普来死命推举洪博培当国务卿。 上网一搜索,绝了,无论挺江的媒体说美国国务卿现在的候选人有多少位,也没有罗拉巴克的名字,彻底给屏蔽了!根本不让只能看懂中文的网友了解真相。 但是,支持同性恋、女儿与薄熙来的儿子薄瓜瓜约会过的美国前驻华大使洪博培被江系媒体齐刷刷的抬到第一位,虚张声势说:川普的国务卿已经定下来了!到外媒一看,原来是造舆论。! 凤凰卫视是江泽民的儿子江绵恒当董事的媒体,凤凰网发表驻华盛顿特约撰稿人的文章《特朗普的国务卿名单:前驻华大使洪博培入选(名单)》。 文章说,「自特朗普当选美国下一任总统以来,他究竟会任命谁当国务卿这一最重要的内阁岗位,成为全球关注焦点。」 「据特朗普新政府过渡团队最新透露的消息,目前特朗普已经把人选名单扩大到9人,其中前驻华大使洪博培入选。」但怪了,没写罗拉巴克。

布赖特巴特大政府(Breitbart BigGovernment)网站的民意测验, 国务卿候选人是五人。

凤凰网说,「此前据特朗普(川普)团队透露,入选人数仅四人(实际上是五人,见图),分别是前共和党总统候选人罗姆尼、前纽约市长朱利安尼、国会参院外交委员会主席柯克,和曾任中情局长的退役将军裴卓斯。(故意不写坚决反共的国会议员罗拉巴克)」 凤凰网又报道说,最新公布的国务卿人选名单不是四人是五人了,但还是删除罗拉巴克,却情有独衷的把洪博培抬到第一位: 凤凰网抬高洪博培、贬低川普说:「洪博培曾任犹他州州长,在克林顿总统任下担任过新加坡大使,在奥巴马任下则担任过驻华大使。他被认为对亚洲事务十分熟悉,倘若被选,或将缓和特朗普冒失的对华外交政策。」 ◎ 被江系收买的《美国之音》也吹捧洪博培、贬低川普 美国之音很早就被江系收买,是博讯网的好朋友。因为罗拉巴克说如果他当国务卿,一上任就要谴责中共活摘器官,所以美国之音赶快把罗拉巴克给封杀的严严实实的:「上星期川普似乎把选择的范围缩小到了四个人-前纽约市长朱利安尼,2012年共和党总统候选人罗姆尼,前中央情报局长彼得雷乌斯和参议院科克。」 《美国之音》决不敢透露罗拉巴克是国务卿候选人,说川普约见了前美国驻联合国大使博尔顿,「并且与另外一些人选包括前美国驻华大使洪博培进行了交谈」。 很诡异的是《美国之音》还拐着弯子吹捧洪博培、贬低川普说:「洪博培有一个从中国收养的女儿,他本人能说熟练的中文。 这个周末川普由于接受台湾总统蔡英文祝贺他当选的电话而引发批评,很多人认为这样做有可能损害美中关系,因此分析人士说现在对川普来说洪博培是一个重要而且及时的国务卿人选。」 ◎ 新浪网替洪博培撒谎,多维网说了实话:洪博培让川普退选 新浪12月7日以《川普国务卿候选扩容:前驻华大使洪博培入选》为题刊登第一财经日报的报道说:「随着美国当选总统川普对国务卿的甄选范围不断扩大,美国前驻华大使洪博培(JonHuntsman)也进入了最后的竞争者名单。」 新浪撒谎说,「据外媒报道,川普团队证实了洪博培是国务卿人选之一。实际上,洪博培是在大选初选时少数坚定支持川普的人物之一。」 多维网说了实话:「和另一位国务卿人选罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)一样,洪博培在今年初选期间也曾批评过川普。」「他当时在党代会之前建议川普退选,让副手彭斯(Mike Pence)代表共和党同民主党总统候选人希拉里(Hillary Clinton)争夺白宫。」 谁都知道,出这个馊点子就是「身在曹营心在汉」。 ◎ 洪博培与川普、彭斯的治国理念有根本的冲突 洪博培与当选总统川普、副总统彭斯的治国理念有根本冲突。 中共新浪网报道说,「近日,洪博培在媒体上非常活跃,不仅在福克斯电视台就有关中国的议题发表评论,而且还在《盐湖城论坛报》上发表署名文章,期许特朗普政府可以真正着眼于两党合作。」 竞选时川普是这么说的:「国难当头,我无法袖手旁观」「很多年来,我曾以局内人的身份见证这个政治系统的内幕。我知道华盛顿和华尔街是怎样运作的,我也知道他们是如何作威作福,蹂躏美国人民,践踏美国法制!」「我们的政治系统早已腐败不堪!」 反对川普竞选总统的洪博培现在想两个锅里都能捞到肉吃?! ◎ 洪博培与川普没有交叉点 有人说他与川普很相像,都出身豪门,但看看洪博培的履历就知道他与川普没有交叉点。他跟中共体制内那些靠爹族非常相像,川普不但自己拼,连孩子也必须得自己拼。可是洪博培就是一个公子哥儿,喜欢摇滚乐、连高中都毕不了业。在大学是旁听生。 洪博培出生于亿万富翁之家,其家族经营的化工产业亨斯迈公司在产业界的地位举足轻重。因为是长子,父亲把董事长等职位都交给他继承,可是他接手几个月就不干了,交给他弟弟,自己跑到华盛顿去找轻活儿。川普没有这样的儿女。这样的也不敢往川普家投生。 奥巴马当政时,2009年8月7日,美国参议院全票通过,正式确认洪博培出任驻华大使。任驻华大使仅仅两年,2011年1月份洪博培提出辞职。对于洪博培即将离任的传言,白宫发言人吉布斯2011年1月31日在白宫例行记者会上首次公开证实,说洪博培将于上半年辞职离开北京。 有报道称,洪博培2010年12月到华府时曾会晤前政治顾问,讨论可能竞选总统之事。其它迹象包括他与妻子2010年夏天在华盛顿买了房子,并把原先存放在犹他州的家当搬到华盛顿。 一切当总统的准备工作就绪之后,洪博培回国竞选总统,宣布竞选后因为没人理睬又退选。 2012年1月16日他宣布退出2012年党内初选,并锦上添花的呼吁党内选民支持大热门、马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼成为党内总统候选人。媒体说,洪博培在共和党选民中的支持率很低,他的呼吁对罗姆尼的选情不可能产生重大影响。 那么,当驻华大使的那两年中,洪博培都做了什么留给人极深印象的事情?据说他在「茉莉花革命」期间的某一周末,在北京王府井大街熙熙攘攘的步行道被警察发现,于是不许他继续步行,尽管他解释说是去买东西,也不行。 不管事情的真相如何,这位中文流利的美国大使给中共国维权人士带来希望,认为奥巴马当政的美国是主持正义的。直到川普说「国难当头,我无法袖手旁观」,中国老百姓才发现,当年中共警察是自己吓唬自己。 ◎ 重庆大魔王的儿子与美国驻华大使的女儿搞在一起了 这事过了没几个月,又出现了一则新闻,这个事是美国媒体驻华记者捅出来的。 《华尔街日报》2011年11月26日披露,薄瓜瓜开着火红色的法拉利约会美国驻华大使洪博培的长女。 记者披露说,他们在美国驻华大使馆门口看到穿着晚礼服的薄瓜瓜把鲜红的象国旗一样红的法拉利停靠在使馆门前,使馆中出来的是驻华大使洪博培的女儿。 「美国大使的女儿与领头活摘器官的薄熙来的儿子搞上对像了!」这个消息比走王府井大街步行道的政治敏感性更强,在中美两个国家都引起轩然大波。 美国人不解的是,辞职准备回国竞选总统的洪博培打算与中共政治局委员、靠活摘器官、贩卖尸体、酷刑杀人的薄熙来做亲家?那美国的安全如何保障? 中国人不解的是,薄瓜瓜是怎么把美国大使洪博培的女儿勾搭上的?这其中有什么黑色内幕? 2012年2月6日,随着王立军夜奔美领馆,牵出薄熙来老婆薄谷开来杀英国人灭口,以及薄瓜瓜参与犯罪,又一次把驻华大使洪博培及其女儿拉到公众的视野中。

纽约时报的报导说,洪博培(23岁的已婚)次女艾比·亨茨曼(Abby Huntsman)在写给媒体的电子邮件中称,她的(26岁未婚)姐姐玛丽安(Mary Anne Huntsman)曾与(24岁)薄瓜瓜共进晚餐,且她和薄瓜瓜的一名友人也在场。艾比表示,玛丽安确实与薄瓜瓜共乘一辆车,不过她没有注意该汽车品牌,无法确定是否是法拉利。结果被美国网友嘲笑。 报导称,那次约会薄瓜瓜没有表现出留学英国的英伦绅士风范,而是对玛丽安动手动脚,涉嫌性骚扰。 从流出的薄瓜瓜色情照可以断定,薄瓜瓜根本没打算与这位金发大姐姐喜结连理,不过是想玩玩而已。问题是洪博培怎么会弱智到让薄瓜瓜给耍了呢?!如果连女儿的贞节都差点没保卫住,有什么资格任川普政府的国务卿?! ◎ 想当国务卿的洪博培支持同性恋 副总统彭斯是非常虔诚的神的敬畏者,他说自己坚定的站在神的身边。川普一家人都相信神,他的儿子认为让父亲当选,是神的旨意。奇怪的是,听说同性恋支持者洪博培已经挤身到国务卿候选人行列! 有人说,洪博培信摩门教,说教义规定,婚前守身如玉。诸位一想就明白,同性恋没有守身如玉的问题,男人没有母亲的生理构造,没有子宫、没有产道,只有大便排泄通道。支持两个男人或两个女人结婚,就是违背神意!这种人要是说自己信神啊,那就是亵渎神,是要遭报应的。 周围的朋友都说,那位浑身正气的国务卿候选人罗拉巴克才是川普真正的帮手,作为里根总统当年的「文胆」,罗拉巴克是这样理解重塑美国的辉煌的,他说:「美国应该站在制高点上,如果需要,甚至孤军奋战,确保我们可以给这个世界上的好人以帮助,帮助他们反抗这世界上的邪恶。」 川普,你舍弃一切自我,为的就是让美国再次伟大起来。能够帮助你实现这个理想的国务卿必须得是恶势力最怕的人。 事实证明,只有一个人当之无愧,他就是国会议员达纳·罗拉巴克。(文/李威)△ 民意测验请投Dana Rohrabacher一票 (人民报首发) Secretary of the State? Wow! Jiang’s media totally blocks Rohrabacher and promotes Huntsman ──The CCP desperately promotes Jon Huntsman by belittling Trump Author:Wei Li 【RenMinBao News】Who is going to be the Secretary of the State for Trump administration, is a battle without smoke, which determines the future of Sino-US relation. We have found out that CCP fears the most that Dana Rohrabacher would be the secretary of the state, while its best hope is Jon Huntsman. While googling, it’s amazing to find out, no matter how many candidates that have mentioned in those media which support CCP and Jiang Zemin, Dana Rohrabacher’s name will not show at all. It has been absolutely blocked. They will not allow people who can read Chinese only to know the truth at all. However, former Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, who supports homosexuality, and whose daughter dated Guagua Bo, the son of Xilai Bo, the former Secretary of CCP of Chongqing City, was listed as number one on the list by all Jiang(Zemin) supportive media, saying in bluff, he has been selected for the position. When checking the foreign media, it is obviously a fake on the public opinion. Phoenix Television is a Broadcasting company for which Jiang Zemin’s son, Mianheng Jiang, is a board member. It published an article from its special writer in Washington DC, Di Wu “Trump’s list of the candidates for the Secretary of the State: former ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, has been added to the list.” The article states, "ever since Trump was elected, who will be appointed as the secretary of the state, the most important position in the administration, has become the focus globally”. "According to the newest news from Trump’s transition team, Trump has widened the list of the candidates to 9 people, among them is former ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman.” But strangely, Rohrabacher is not on the list. Phoenix TV’s website, “www.ifeng.com”, says “according to Trump’s team, previously, only four people were listed (see the picture, it was actually five people), former presidential candidate Mitt Romney; former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani; Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.); former director of CIA David Howell Petraeus; (they intentionally omitted Dana Rohrabacher, who resolutely opposes communism). The website ifeng.com also reports, the newest list is five people instead of four people, but still committed Rohrabacher, and again passionately puts Huntsman on the first position: The website also promotes Huntsman by belittling Trump, “he has served as the governor of Utah, the ambassador to Singapore under Clinton administration and ambassador to China under Obama administration. He knows very much about Asian affairs, if he' s elected, he will buffer the obtrusive China policy by Trump." • "The voice of America", that has been bought off by Jiang' s CCP, also drives up Huntsman and belittles Trump VOA has been bought off long time ago by Jiang' s CCP, it is a good friend of Boxun.com. Rohrabacher has stated that if he becomes the secretary of the state, he will criticize the CCP' s crimes of live organ harvesting once he comes to the position, therefore VOA has blocked Rohrabacher off tightly: "last week, Trump seemed have narrowed the candidates into four people: former new York Mayor Rudy Giuliani; 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney; former director of CIA David Howell Petraeus and Senator Corker." VOA doesn't dare at all to disclose that Rohrabacher is one of the candidates for the secretary of state, it says that Trump has met former Amb. to China Jon Huntsman, quoted here- "also met some other candidates including former Amb. to China, Jon Huntsman". It is very strange that VOA drives up Huntsman and belittles Trump insidiously: "Huntsman adopted a daughter from China, and he can speak Chinese fluently. This weekend, Trump received a phone call from Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwanese president, congratulating him for having been elected. The phone call has caused a lot of criticism towards Trump and many people think this could damage Sino-US relation, and analysts say that Huntsman is an important and timely candidate at this moment for the position of secretary of the state." • Sina.com.cn tells many lies for Huntsman, dwnews.com tells the truth: Huntsman has urged Trump to drop out of presidential campaign Sina.com.cn cited the report from Financial Daily on December 7, titled "as Trump' s list of candidates for the secretary of the state keeps widening, former Amb. to China Jon Huntsman also gets in". Sina.com.cn lies that "according to foreign media, Trump team has confirmed that Huntsman was one of the candidates. As a matter of fact, Huntsman was among those a few people who supported Trump from the very beginning." Dwnews.com tells the truth: "just like another candidates for secretary of the state, Mitt Romney, Huntsman also criticized Trump at the beginning of the campaign early this year." "He suggested Trump to drop out and let the vice presidential candidate Mike pence to represent Republican and run against Hillary Clinton." Everybody knows whoever has the idea here is a person that doesn’t have the heart and body in the same place. • There are fundamental conflicts between Huntsman and Trump /Pence Huntsman and elected Trump /Pence has fundamental differences in how to run the country. The CCP Sina.com reports:” recently, Huntsman has been very active in media. he not only comments on Fox news regarding China, also publishes an article on , hoping that Trump administration can really focus on the corporations between the two parties.” During the campaign, Trump has said : “this country is in a critical moment, I cannot sit around and watch ” “in so many years, I have been watching this political system as an insider. I understand how the Washington DC and Wall Street operate, I also know how the establishment tromps the people and the law of the US”, “our political system has been totally corrupt!” Huntsman who was against Trump wants to eat on both sides? • There is no common ground between Huntsman and elected Trump /Pence Some people say that he (Huntsman) is very similar to Trump, both were born in rich families, but if you look into Huntsman’s resume and you will find out that there is no common ground between him and Trump. He looks more like the second generation of CCP's government officials, who relies on their parents. While Trump not only works very hard, he has also made his children work very hard. While Huntsman was like a rich playboy, who liked rock and roll, who did not graduate from high school and was only an auditor in college. Huntsman was born in a billionaire’s family, his family's business, Huntsman Corporation, is a multinational manufacturer and marketer of chemical products for consumers and industrial customers. He was the eldest son and selected by his father to take over his position of the president of the company. But he gave up after several months of taking over and left it to his younger brother, then he went Washington to find some easy jobs. Trump doesn't have this kind of children, they wouldn't even dare to born in Trump’s family. During Obama's administration, the Senate passed unanimously on August 7, 2009, confirmed his assignment as the ambassador to China. Yet, only two years after serving as the ambassador in China, he resigned in January 2011. As for the rumors of Huntsman's eminent departure, the White House spokesperson Gibbs confirmed publicly on January 31, 2011, saying that Huntsman would resign and leave Beijing in the first half year of 2011. Some reports say, Huntsman went to DC in December 2010 to meet with his political advisers to discuss the issue of possible running for the president. Other things also happened such as he and his wife bought a house in Washington DC in the summer of 2010, and they moved their things from Utah to Washington DC as well. When everything was ready, Huntsman came back to the state to run for the president, but then dropped out quickly when few people supported him. On January 16, 2012, he announced that he would drop out of the campaign for the Republican candidacy. In the meantime, like “icing on the cake”, he appealed to the voters to support Mitt Romney, then the hottest candidate. The media says, Huntsman has a very low approval rate in the Republican voters, his endorsement will not have a big effect on Romany’s situation. Then, what did Huntsman do during the two years of serving as the Amb. that impressed people the most? It was said that in one of the weekend during the Jasmine Revolution time, he was found by the local policemen on the busy streets (sidewalk) of Wang Fujing in Beijing, and that he was not allowed to continue to walk, even though he explained that he was shopping. No matter what the truth is, this fluent Chinese speaking American ambassador has brought hope to those right activists in the communist China, thinking that the United States under the Obama administration was willing to uphold justice. It is not until Trump says “the US is in a critical moment, I cannot sit around”, then people in China find out that those Chinese policemen have been frightening only themselves. • The son of the big devil in Chongqing City has messed up with the Daughter of the US Amb. to China Several months after that event, another news came out, and it was exposed by the American media's reporters in China. Wall Street Journal reports on November 26, 2011, Guagua Bo, who drives a fire-red Ferrari, dates the eldest daughter of Huntsman, the US ambassador to China. The reporters say that they have seen Guagua Bo, wearing evening gown, parked the blood red Ferrari in front of the embassy, and who came out of the embassy was the daughter of Huntsman, the US ambassador to China. “The daughter of the US ambassador to to China is dating the son of Xilai Bo, who leads the crimes of live organ harvesting!” The news, more politically sensitive than walking on Wang Fujing street, came out like wildfire, and caused big sensations in both countries. What the American people doesn't understand is, why Huntsman, who has resigned from the post of Amb. and is preparing to run for the president of the United States, intends to become in-laws with Xilai Bo, a CCP Politburo member, who has been harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience, selling the bodies, torturing and killing people. How can the US security be guaranteed? What the Chinese people doesn't understand is, how has Guagua Bo hooked up with the daughter of the US ambassador to China? Is there any dark secrets? On February 6, 2012, Wang Lijun defected into the US Consulate in Chengdu, the murder of the English man by Xilai Bo’s wife, Kailai Gu was exposed. Guagua Bo was also involved in the crime, this also took Huntsman, the US ambassador to China and that his daughter again into the public’s eyes. The New York Times reports, Huntsman’s second daughter, Abby Huntsman (23, married), states in an email to the media that her elderly sister, Mary Anne Huntsman (26, single) DID have a dinner with Guagua Bo (24), but she and a friend of Guagua Bo were also at the scene. Abby indicated that Mary Anne did ride with Guagua Bo in the same car, but she did not notice which brand the car bore, and could not confirm whether it's Ferrari. Her comments were ridiculed on the Internet. The reports say, Guagua Bo did not behave like a gentleman from Britain, instead, he felt up Mary Anne, and was suspected for sexual harassment. Judging from the porn-styled photos taken by Guagua Bo, it might be safe to say he was only playing round and did not have any intention to get married with Mary Anne. The question is, how could Huntsman be so stupid to let her daughter be bullied and played around by Guagua Bo? For an ambassador who could not even protect his daughter, how do you expect he is qualified for the Sec. of the state under Trump administration?! • Huntsman, who is vying for the Sec. the state, supports homosexuality VP elect Pence is a very devout God believer, he says he firmly stands with God. The entire family of Trump believes in God, his son believes that it has been God's arrangement for his father to be elected. It is strange to hear that Huntsman, supportive for homosexuality, would join the candidates for the secretary of the state. Some people say that Huntsman is a practitioner of Mormon. Mormonism preaches keeping the purity between men and women before marriage. Think about it, homosexual people do not have any physical structures for reproduction. Supporting two women or two men to get married is against God’s will! How can these people say they believe in God? This is an offense to God and will bear retribution. Our friends all say that Dana Rohrabacher, who is utterly righteous, should be the real help for Trump. As the writer for president Reagan, Rohrabacher has this kind of understanding in “making the America great again”, he says:” the US should stand on the highest moral point, when it is needed, it should also fight alone, to make sure that we can give help the good people in this world, help them to fight against the evil powers in this world.” President elect Trump, you have forgot all the self interest for this, the purpose is to make America great again. The Sec. of the state who can help you to achieve this goal must be the person whom the evil force fear the most. It is self-evident that only one person is well deserved to hold this position, that is Congressman Rohrabacher! △ (by Wei Li)



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