電子報 简体版
【鐵證如山系列講座】第七集 1999年後中國器官海外傾銷(圖/視頻中英字幕)

【人民報消息】這是一部中、英雙語版系統地揭露中共活摘法輪功學員器官國家羣體滅絕犯罪的大型教學片。影片呈現了追查國際十多年來對中共活摘調查的主要證據。其中包括對5名中共中央政治局常委、軍委副主席、國防部長、軍方總後勤部衛生部部長、政法委、「610」、法院、活摘現場目擊者、全國41家器官移植醫院的45個院長、主任、醫生等調查錄音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成資料片。 第七集 內容提要 Executive summary: 1999年江澤民迫害法輪功之後,高度同步出現中國器官移植數量爆炸性增長的同時,大量器官移植中心和配型中心迅速建立。 涉案單位遍佈中國大陸各省、市、自治區,幾乎所有軍隊、武警和地方醫院(醫療中心)的器官移植機構都涉嫌參與了,還包括相當數量的不具備移植手術條件的中小型醫院和專科醫院等。類似當年中共實施 「一胎化」 政策時,幾乎所有醫院都參與了強制墮胎,今天中國的所有移植機構都參與了活摘器官移植。 After former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) head Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, the number of organ transplants in China increased exponentially at the same time. A large number of organ transplant centers and tissue typing centers were rapidly established. The participating medical units are located in all the provinces, central government-controlled municipalities and autonomous regions of mainland China. Almost all organ transplant institutions of the military, armed police and the organ transplant divisions of regional hospitals (medical centers) are suspected of involvement in the live organ harvesting, including a considerable number of hospitals unqualified to perform organ transplants, such as small and medium-sized hospitals and specialized hospitals. It is similar to what happened when the CCP was implementing the 「one child policy」. Almost all hospitals performed forced abortions back then. Today, all organ transplant institutions in China are involved in live organ harvesting for transplantation.

【鐵證如山系列講座】第07集 1999年後中國器官移植機構迅速擴建和器官海外傾銷 Episode 7: China’s Overseas Organ Dumping



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