电子报 正體版
【铁证如山系列讲座】第5集 军医大学活摘调查取证的现场录像 (图/视频中英字幕)

【人民报消息】这是一部中、英双语版系统地揭露中共活摘法轮功学员器官国家群体灭绝犯罪的大型教学片。影片呈现了追查国际十多年来对中共活摘调查的主要证据。其中包括对5名中共中央政治局常委、军委副主席、国防部长、军方总后勤部卫生部部长、政法委、“610”、法院、活摘现场目击者、全国41家器官移植医院的45个院长、主任、医生等调查录音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成资料片。 第五集 内容提要 Executive summary: 本节呈现的是,2019年12月26日至2020年1月15日,追查国际对中共空军军医大学(原第四军医大学),附属西京医院肾移植科医生李国伟,跟踪调查的现场录像。 What we are going to present first in this episode is on-site videos of a follow-up investigation on Li Guowei, a kidney transplant department doctor at Xijing Hospital, affiliated to the Air Force Medical University (former the Fourth Military Medical University) from December 26, 2019 through January 15, 2020. 调查再次证实:中共活摘法轮功学员器官的罪行并没有停止,仍在继续。 This investigation once again confirms that the criminal activities of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners never stop and are still ongoing. 中共长期以来用死囚犯器官和红十字会公民捐献等谎言,掩盖活摘法轮功学员器官的罪行。他们实际用的是法轮功学员的供体器官,而公开官方、表面上讲的是优质的年轻的,没有原发病的器官。 Using executed prisoner organs and accepting citizen donations through the Red Cross of China are the CCP long-time lies to cover up their crimes of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners. 这是中共主导的国家灭绝运动,所以,表现得肆无忌惮。李国伟还声称,只要你们胆大,有这个供体(法轮功学员)的时候,你们只要敢看,我可以把你领到床头让你看一下,让你能够亲眼看到这个人就是二十来岁。 This is a CCP-dominated national eradication movement and therefore, it has been carried out so unrestrainedly. Li Guowei also said, “As long as you are brave enough ... when a donor(Falun Gong practitioner) is available ... as long as you dare to look, I can take you to the bedside to let you have a look ... let you see with your own eyes this person is just 20s“.

【铁证如山系列讲座】第05集对中共空军军医大学活摘调查取证的现场录像Episode 5:Organ Harvesting in a Military Medical University: Video



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