電子報 简体版




「同樣的世界 同樣的人權」









歷史告訴我們,一個公正清明的中國需要全體中國公民的參與和奮鬥。我們呼籲,中國公民勇敢地歡迎人權聖火的到來,通過各種方式傳播人權聖火,在中國大地掀起一場全民反抗中共暴政各種形式的迫害的正義弘波,以此向世人展示中國人不屈服於中共暴政和建立 美好社會的堅定決心和意志!




香港前立法會議員 司徒華
魏京生基金會 主 席 魏京生
中國憲政協進會 主 席 王 丹
公民力量 主 席 楊建利
《北京之春》 主 編 胡 平
中國民主黨聯合總部(海外) 主 席 徐文立
自由中國平臺 顧 問 王有才
民主中國陣綫(民陣) 主 席 費良勇
中國民主聯盟(中國民聯) 主 席 薛 偉
中國民主聯合陣綫(民聯陣) 主 席 林牧晨
中國自由民主黨(自民黨) 主 席 潘 晴
中國社會民主黨 主 席 劉國凱
新聞自由導報 主 編 吳仁華
中國人權網絡 發起人 盛 雪
網絡文摘 主 編 徐水良
中國事務 主 編 伍 凡
未來中國論壇 發起人 梅鳳傑(草菴居士)
中國反政治迫害同盟 主 席 劉因全
奧運自由衫運動 發起人 陳 凱
中國大陸政治避難者美西協會 主 席 莫逢傑
全美學生學者自治聯合會 主 席 周 建
全德學生學者自治聯合會 主 席 彭小明
中國青年民主同盟(法國) 負責人 張 健
民主中國促進會(香港) 發起人 甄燊港
中國自由文化運動 旅歐知識分子 羣 代 表 仲維光
中國民主黨世界同盟 主 席 王 軍
中國民主黨美國總部 主 席 劉東興
中國民主黨(法國) 主 席 吳 江
憲政民主論壇 主 任 王軍濤
RebuildHK.com 網主 Freeman

One World One Human Rights
Joint Statement
Human Rights Torch Relay in Mainland China

We represent a collection of groups, organizations and people concerned with promoting progress in human rights in China as well as Chinese politics. Previously, we have started the Global Human Rights Torch Relay (HRTR) across the world to bring attention to the Chinese government's increasing abuse of human rights and its cover up at the dawn of the 2008 Olympics.

Hereby, we solemnly declare that the Human Rights Torch, whose first flame was lit in Athens last August, will soon enter mainland China. The people of China will pass on the torch and expose the truth of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) severe abuse of human rights. They will show the world's people how Chinese citizens long for human rights, detest the CCP's totalitarian rule, and wish for a better society.

By using the 2008 Olympics to eulogize its international image, the Chinese Communist Party has shamelessly adopted the motto: 「One World, One Dream」.

Hence, we are passing on the Human Rights Torch across the world to tell the CCP and the world that we do not have the same dream as the CCP. We do not accept a China founded upon lies and brutal suppression, one that does not allow a second voice and is dedicated to the benefits of a single Party; we do not accept a corrupt government, one that does not allow freedom of election, impeachment, association or expression; we do not accept a China where farmers are robbed of their lands and workers of their positions, where the sick are deprived of access to health care and the young of their right to education; and we do not accept a China that threatens international peace with increasing armements, one that pollutes the world with substandard and toxic goods, and one that treads upon human rights and justice with forced labour.

China』s dream solely belongs to the CCP itself. Under the iron fist of the CCP, not only is that dream far from every Chinese citizens』 mind but it has also become the nightmare of every Chinese including that of the people of the free world!

With the Human Rights Torch's entry in China, as it travels the world far and wide simultaneously, we declare loud and clear: 「Within one world, there should be one human rights for all! All Chinese citizens long for our God-given human rights!」

Under the illumination of the Human Rights Torch, the Chinese people's dream of China shall be one where Chinese people can live, come and go with dignity, safety and freedom; it shall be one where no more blood will be shed for freedom of expression, speech, belief and association; it shall be a transparent nation where governmental representatives are born from fair elections and supervised by the people; it shall be one where every farmer has his land, every worker has his opportunity, every student has access to education, where the sick has access to health care, and where the entire population can share the fruits of its success; it shall be one where justice is upheld in the courts, where opportunities are equal, where the society is just and the people are kind – a 「country of 禮儀之邦」 as it was once known. It shall become a home that every Chinese people in the world can be proud of; one that maintains world justice and peace!

After traversing the entire world from its birthplace in Athens, Greece, these goals that the Human Rights Torch brings with it in mainland China, are the essence of human civilization learnt from thousands of years of political disasters amidst human beings』 search for a better society. It is the basic yardstick for determining political betterment; it is a philosophy of honoring every individual in society deeply rooted in Chinese history; it is the dream that so many generations of our Chinese fathers have fought for; it is the deep and tragic lesson learnt from the CCP's totalitarian rule in which tens of millions have been killed; and it is the hope of every Chinese citizen—to free themselves from the CCP's psychological enslavement and tyrannical grip—to build a true and just society.

History has taught us that such a China requires the participation and hard work of all Chinese citizens. Hence, we call upon all Chinese citizens to courageously join the Human Rights Torch and pass on the Torch the best way you can and any way you can. With this flame, we shall create a giant wave of rejection towards the CCP's dictatorship and demonstrate to the world our determined will never to bow to the CCP's dictatorship, as well as our will to build a better society!

Trampling upon the human rights of citizens of any country is a threat to the fundamentals of justice, safety and integrity of human civilization. We have learned this as best as possible during the two world wars of the past century. It is for this reason that it has been championed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We call upon the world』s people to support and help to pass on the Human Rights Torch in mainland China from now until the end of August—not just for Chinese citizens—but also to free the human world from another dictatorial disaster.

One World, One Human Rights!
Let our god-given rights be spread throughout the world!
Let the Human Rights Torch Illuminate China!





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