 雄鸡一唱天下明! 【人民报消息】今年2月9日是乙酉年鸡年大年初一,从这一天开始雄鸡叫了!谁都知道雄鸡叫的时候天还黑着呢,但它一声声提醒那些睡懒觉的人──天要亮了,赶快醒来!天要亮了,赶快醒来!!天要亮了,赶快醒来!!! 今天一位读者送来一首歌曲,题目很特别:《海水变甜的时候》。春节来临了,我们真希望乙酉年以后世界上一切苦涩都变为甘美,所以我们决定与大家分享这首优美的男声独唱,虽然是用英文演唱的,但有中文翻译,歌词翻译得也很优美。喜欢唱英文歌曲的朋友好好练练,可以在晚会上大显身手。 作曲:熊军 作者(词):大法弟子,熊军修改 演唱:Drew Parker (英文歌曲) 配器:Tony 长度:3分38秒 Real格式在线收听 Real格式下载收听 MP3格式下载收听 (3分37秒) (875KB) (3.3MB)
海水变甜的时候 (中文翻译)
海水为什么那样咸, 一位诗人如此感叹: 那是人类亿万年泪水的汇聚, 那是人间世世代代苦难与辛酸。 我盼望有一天, 海水由咸变成甜, 那是世间善良的人们 终于迎来了万物更新的春天。 海水为什么那样咸, 相传中圣人留此真言: 那是佛陀流下的慈悲的眼泪, 那是因为天国儿女坠落在尘凡。 我盼望有一天, 海水由咸变成甜, 那是亿万落凡的儿女 终于欢聚在佛国仙苑。 | When Seawater Turns Sweet (歌词英文原文) (Lyrics) Seawater is so salty, but why, oh why? A poet quietly replies, "It’s from thousands and thousands of tears, bitterness and suffering for ages and years. I look forward to the day, when seawater turns sweet.”When all good people all over the world, Together, finally, have made it through to the spring in which everything everything is renewed. When seawater turns sweet. Why is sea water so salty to the tongue? It's said a sage left this answer once, "It's from Buddha's tears of compassion Because of all his lost children. I look forward to the day, When seawater turns sweet.” When all good people all over the world, Together, finally, have made it through to the spring in which everything everything is renewed. When seawater turns sweet. | (歌曲转自明慧网)