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据熟知内情的人介绍,来自中国北京第二外国语学院的退休教授李XX和老伴自退休后,来到冰岛首都与先期到达的儿子和儿媳共享天伦之乐。李教授父子定居冰岛几年后逐渐成了当地华侨中有影响的人物。 江泽民今年6月的欧洲之行,冰岛是其中一站。中国领事馆官员为了仕途私利,收买当地一些不明真相的华人为江的车队当啦啦队。江泽民为此专门接见了以李教授为首的所谓华人代表,中央电视台新闻联播还报导了这条消息。 6月17日,大约是江离开冰岛后的第二天,李教授一家开车出行。儿子开车,同车还有儿媳妇,以及他们1岁的孙子和李教授的妻子。汽车在正常行驶中突然冲下公路开进湖中。教授的儿子砸碎车窗,游上岸。全家5口除儿子外其余都不幸丧生。
江泽民此次出访虚弱到要几个月之前就派人到德州去活动,他们挨家挨户,一家不落地走访华人家庭,诱骗他们去参加欢迎江泽民,而且准备了40辆大轿车,实在走不开的一家可分几拨儿去,并可到家接送。 休斯顿中领馆发出电子邮件给所有的大学生联谊会,让去“欢迎江泽民”。电子邮件中说:我们的成员到达欢迎地点后将会得到免费太阳帽、T恤衫、午餐、晚餐、饮料、小吃!!! 另外,您还能免费参观许多地方(如YaoMing's game),还有其它太多的好东西鼓舞着您加入我们的行列。头两天在街面上还将安排多场文艺演出。在那段期间,将有足够的学校巴士从伊·卡能大楼(E. Cullen Hall)运送我们的成员,主楼靠近艾姆·迪·安德森图书馆(M. D. Anderson Library),并且无论什么时候您都可以随时乘学校巴士返回。不过,您最好提前半天说明,以便安排。 另外,有些留学生向中领馆申请助学金从来没有下文的,这次只要去欢迎江泽民,就可以直接打电话到中领馆询问所需要的任何帮助。
FACSS合同书以英文写成,大致如下:“X团体现邀请____作为欢迎团的一名成员。为了成为该团的一员,我同意遵守该团的全部规定。我也同意如果由于我而造成混乱(例如:向美国政府和/或中国国家主席示威),我将支付最低数目5千美金用来赔偿由混乱而对该欢迎团的名誉带来的损失。并且,如果法轮功同我们联系,或我们知道其他团体会造成混乱,我同意立刻同该欢迎团领导及其他官方部门汇报。 我们懂得我们有同任何组织联合通过示威方式表达我们的观点和意见的权利。但作为该欢迎团的一员,我们现自愿放弃这些权利。” FACSS所发出的电邮并声称,签约者违反了该合同,将立即遭到该组织的起诉。
从这个合约也可以看出美国政府根本不买江集团的账,他可以用经济利益威胁德国说不要看见法轮功的黄色蓝色衣服和横幅,到冰岛可以要求不许法轮功学员进入,可是到了美国,他们真没辄了,美国各级政府给了法轮功近一千次褒奖。所以他们就对华人、中国留学生下手!他们给的那一点点利益可是要用命去换的! 中国政府派人在美国的国土上搞的这个合约本身就违法! 本身就是对海外华人的侮辱! 对自由国家法律的公然践踏! 我们高贵的人格能这样被蹂躏吗? 我们的命就贱到只值一顶太阳帽和一件T恤衫? 发出不满意江泽民的声音倒要赔五千美元?这是在美国哎! 只有傻瓜才会去欢迎卖国贼、人权恶棍、屠夫、独裁者江泽民!
Dear all, In order to protect the purity of our Welcome Team, in order to protect us to avoid future harassing calls. Please sign this legal statement and turn in to your group leader. Anybody who is against this agreement will be sued by our organization immediately. Many thanks for your cooperation FACSS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Group X invites _______________ to be a member in the Welcoming Group. In consideration for this invitation, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Welcoming Group. I also agree if any disturbances are caused by me (e.g. protest against the United States and/or President of China) to pay $5,000.00 as minimal damages for any harm that may result from such disturbances to the group's reputation. Also, in regards to disturbances, I agree that if any another group such as, Fa Lun GUNG, contact us or we become aware of any threats of disturbance by any other groups, I agree to contact the group leaders of the Welcome Group as well as the proper authorities. We understand it is our right to protest with any other groups our views and opinions, but in becoming an active member in the Welcome Group, we voluntarily waive any such rights. (二)BENEFITS(去欢迎江泽民所得好处)http://www.uh.edu/~facs/president.html Our members will get a free hat and T-shirt when they get to the place. Lunch, dinner, drinks, snacks will be provided by the Joint Committee for absolutely free!!! Besides, you will get free tickets to many places, e.g. YaoMing*s game, and lots of other good stuff to encourage you to join us. Live entertainment shows will be arranged on the streets for the first two days! PICK-UP LOCATION & TRANSPORTATION:(欢迎期间的交通问题) During that period, enough school buses will come to pick up our members from E. Cullen Hall, the main building close to the M. D. Anderson Library. You can come back whenever you want by the school bus, however, you*d better commit more than half a day for the ease of management. Please click here for detail. FINANCIAL ASSISTANT (留学生申请助学金问题) Some student had applied the financial assistant from Chinese Consulor,never get feedback. But this time they call them directly and ask if they need any help.
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